A tenant who stays after the expiration of a lease is called a tenant at sufferance. A landlord can start the eviction process or choose to continue accepting rent either on a once a month basis or agree to renew the lease for another year. This all depends on the terms of the original lease and provisions of the law which may in some cases give the landlord the right to charge double the current rent during the withholding period. Landlords, if your tenant needs to stay after the expiration of the lease it is advisable for you to seek legal counsel before you react to the situation.
Bradford Miller Law, P.C. has been representing Landlords for several years and, we can assist you with any lease information you require or can help you resolve any tenant issues that you may encounter. If you are having a problem and need legal representation contact us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you can review the City of Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance Summary along with other helpful landlord information.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago residential real estate attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago eviction attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago building code violations, Chicago real estate attorney fees. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
Bradford Miller Law, P.C. focuses its practice on real estate law, landlord tenant law, and estate planning. For a free consultation, call the office at 312-238-9298. You may also visit the main website at www.bradfordmillerlaw.com.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Bed Bugs!
Bed bugs are small, flat, wingless insects. They feed on blood and can be a nuisance for individuals. They are named for their tendency to live on mattresses or other parts of a bed. They can be found in homes, condominiums, apartments, hotels, schools, dormitories, shelters, offices and many other places.

In 2013, the City of Chicago Council passed an ordinance to help address the problem of bed bugs. The requirements established by this ordinance follow:
Rental Housing: The ordinance established several requirements for both landlords and tenants. Among these is a requirement that landlords must provide a brochure on bed bugs to tenants when signing a new or renewing an existing lease or other rental agreement (note this does not apply to owner-occupied buildings containing six units or less). This brochure lists all of the requirements of the ordinance for both the landlords and tenants.
Condominium and Cooperative Buildings: All governing associations need to have a written plan to address bed bugs. A sample plan was created to assist associations in developing their plans. That sample plan is available on the city of Chicago website and lists all of the requirements of the ordinance for those who own units within condominium or cooperative buildings. The sample plan also refers to a fact sheet that can be provided to unit owners.
For more information about Bed Bugs and to obtain a brochure visit the City of Chicago website. Here you will also find a Bed Bug Checklist for Apartment Building Managers & Landlords.
Owners are required by law to make necessary repairs and maintain their property in a safe condition. Landlords, however well you maintain your rental properties, problems can arise. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. focuses on real estate law, landlord tenant law, building code violations and estate planning. We are committed to providing you with expert legal support and approach every client with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you will find helpful landlord information along with information about our firm. To discuss your pending or potential real estate transaction, your ongoing legal needs as a property owner or landlord, or your estate planning concerns, call us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago Building Code violations, Chicago Building Code Violation lawyer, Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago landlord tenant attorney, Chicago Real Estate attorney, Chicago Eviction attorney, Chicago Leases, Chicago real estate attorney fees, Estate Planning Lawyer. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.

In 2013, the City of Chicago Council passed an ordinance to help address the problem of bed bugs. The requirements established by this ordinance follow:
Rental Housing: The ordinance established several requirements for both landlords and tenants. Among these is a requirement that landlords must provide a brochure on bed bugs to tenants when signing a new or renewing an existing lease or other rental agreement (note this does not apply to owner-occupied buildings containing six units or less). This brochure lists all of the requirements of the ordinance for both the landlords and tenants.
Condominium and Cooperative Buildings: All governing associations need to have a written plan to address bed bugs. A sample plan was created to assist associations in developing their plans. That sample plan is available on the city of Chicago website and lists all of the requirements of the ordinance for those who own units within condominium or cooperative buildings. The sample plan also refers to a fact sheet that can be provided to unit owners.
For more information about Bed Bugs and to obtain a brochure visit the City of Chicago website. Here you will also find a Bed Bug Checklist for Apartment Building Managers & Landlords.
Owners are required by law to make necessary repairs and maintain their property in a safe condition. Landlords, however well you maintain your rental properties, problems can arise. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. focuses on real estate law, landlord tenant law, building code violations and estate planning. We are committed to providing you with expert legal support and approach every client with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you will find helpful landlord information along with information about our firm. To discuss your pending or potential real estate transaction, your ongoing legal needs as a property owner or landlord, or your estate planning concerns, call us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago Building Code violations, Chicago Building Code Violation lawyer, Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago landlord tenant attorney, Chicago Real Estate attorney, Chicago Eviction attorney, Chicago Leases, Chicago real estate attorney fees, Estate Planning Lawyer. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
Residential buildings – Heat to be furnished
According to the Municipal Code of Chicago, Chapter 13-196-410: Every family unit or rooming unit to which heat is furnished from a heating plant used in common for the purpose of heating the various rooms of the dwelling shall be supplied with heat from September 15th of each year to June 1st of the succeeding year so that the occupants of a family unit or rooming unit may secure, without such undue restriction of ventilation as to interfere with proper sanitary conditions, a minimum temperature of 68 degrees at 8:30 a.m. and thereafter until 10:30 p.m. and 66 degrees at 10:30 p.m. and thereafter until 8:30 a.m. averaged throughout the family unit or rooming unit.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you can review the City of Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance Summary along with other helpful landlord information including information about our firm. Owners are required by law to make necessary repairs and maintain their property in a safe condition. Landlords, however well you maintain your rental properties, problems can arise. Bradford Miller Law, P.C.can help, our firm focuses on real estate law, landlord tenant law, building code violations and estate planning. We are committed to providing you with expert legal support and approach every client with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding.
To discuss your pending or potential real estate transaction, your ongoing legal needs as a property owner or landlord, or your estate planning concerns, call us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago residential real estate attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago eviction attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago building code violations, Chicago real estate attorney fees. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you can review the City of Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance Summary along with other helpful landlord information including information about our firm. Owners are required by law to make necessary repairs and maintain their property in a safe condition. Landlords, however well you maintain your rental properties, problems can arise. Bradford Miller Law, P.C.can help, our firm focuses on real estate law, landlord tenant law, building code violations and estate planning. We are committed to providing you with expert legal support and approach every client with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding.
To discuss your pending or potential real estate transaction, your ongoing legal needs as a property owner or landlord, or your estate planning concerns, call us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago residential real estate attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago eviction attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago building code violations, Chicago real estate attorney fees. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Discrimination when it comes to renting
Discrimination (in renting): Denying a person housing, telling a person that housing is not available (when the housing is actually available at that time), providing housing under inferior terms, harassing a person in connection with housing accommodations, or providing segregated housing because of a person's race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, source of income, age, disability, whether the person is married, or whether there are children under the age of 18 in the person's household. Discrimination also can be refusal to make reasonable accommodation for a person with a disability.
Landlords be sure to treat all prospective tenants in the same way and make sure you go about renting your property the correct way.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you will find information about our firm and valuable information for landlords. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. can help you with any landlord issues you may have. For practical counsel at a very reasonable rate in this complex area of law, please call 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago real estate closings, Chicago building code violations, short sale attorney Chicago. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
Landlords be sure to treat all prospective tenants in the same way and make sure you go about renting your property the correct way.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you will find information about our firm and valuable information for landlords. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. can help you with any landlord issues you may have. For practical counsel at a very reasonable rate in this complex area of law, please call 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago real estate closings, Chicago building code violations, short sale attorney Chicago. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Energy Disclosure Application
Building Owners must provide the cost of monthly heating to prospective tenants prior to signing a lease. The Chicago Municipal Code requires that a building or dwelling unit owner provide a disclosure to prospective tenants if they will be responsible directly to the utility company for paying the cost of gas or electric heat for that building or unit. The property owner/landlord must also provide in writing the annual cost of heating based on the previous 12 months.
The Application for Energy Disclosure is used to request gas or electric disclosures on a particular address and/or unit number. Separate applications are required for Gas and Electric Heat. The property owner may use the application for energy disclosure to obtain current information. The Chicago Heating Cost Disclosure Form can be found on the City of Chicago website.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you can review the City of Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance Summary along with other helpful landlord information. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. has been representing Landlords for several years and, we can assist you with any lease information you require or can help you resolve any tenant issues that you may encounter. If you are having a problem and need legal representation contact us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago residential real estate attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago eviction attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago building code violations, Chicago real estate attorney fees. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
The Application for Energy Disclosure is used to request gas or electric disclosures on a particular address and/or unit number. Separate applications are required for Gas and Electric Heat. The property owner may use the application for energy disclosure to obtain current information. The Chicago Heating Cost Disclosure Form can be found on the City of Chicago website.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you can review the City of Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance Summary along with other helpful landlord information. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. has been representing Landlords for several years and, we can assist you with any lease information you require or can help you resolve any tenant issues that you may encounter. If you are having a problem and need legal representation contact us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago residential real estate attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago eviction attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago building code violations, Chicago real estate attorney fees. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Tips for choosing tenants
Landlords, it is advisable that you ask your prospective tenants to complete a rental application. Two important elements of the application are the person's employment and past rental history. Information should be provided for the past three or five years.
Once you receive a completed application, you should contact each of the applicant's employers and landlords. If the applicant has worked at the same job and lived in the same apartment for that time period, it may be a good indication of a quality tenant.
If the prospective tenant agrees, credit bureaus can supply landlords with a credit history report. This report will provide you with valuable information such as, the timeliness in which credit card and car loan payments have been made, bankruptcies, judgments against the tenant, and any other adverse information from creditors.
Be sure to treat all prospective tenants in the same way. Landlords make sure you go about renting your property in the correct way. At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you will find information about our firm and valuable information for landlords. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. can help you with any landlord issues you may have. For practical counsel at a very reasonable rate in this complex area of law, please call 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago real estate closings, Chicago building code violations, short sale attorney Chicago. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
Once you receive a completed application, you should contact each of the applicant's employers and landlords. If the applicant has worked at the same job and lived in the same apartment for that time period, it may be a good indication of a quality tenant.
If the prospective tenant agrees, credit bureaus can supply landlords with a credit history report. This report will provide you with valuable information such as, the timeliness in which credit card and car loan payments have been made, bankruptcies, judgments against the tenant, and any other adverse information from creditors.
Be sure to treat all prospective tenants in the same way. Landlords make sure you go about renting your property in the correct way. At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you will find information about our firm and valuable information for landlords. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. can help you with any landlord issues you may have. For practical counsel at a very reasonable rate in this complex area of law, please call 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago real estate closings, Chicago building code violations, short sale attorney Chicago. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Difficult Tenant Eviction In Cook County? Our Lawyers Can Help.
Landlords, are you having a problem with your tenant regarding the nonpayment of rent? If so, you can benefit greatly from our experienced legal counsel. At Bradford Miller Law, P.C., we have extensive experience navigating the eviction process properly and effectively for landlords. A Chicago eviction law attorney at our firm will analyze your situation and all viable options, advise you accordingly and take action to get your property back, which may include:
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago residential real estate attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago eviction attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago building code violations, Chicago real estate attorney fees. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
- Negotiation of a mutual release agreement if the best path is to release claims on both sides without proceeding with a formal eviction
- Proper completion of all necessary steps for a lawful eviction, with emphasis on timeliness, affordability and dependable protection of your best interests as a landlord
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago residential real estate attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago eviction attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago building code violations, Chicago real estate attorney fees. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Did you purchase a multiple dwelling building in the City of Chicago?
If so, make sure you filled out the City of Chicago, Department of Buildings Multiple Dwelling Registration Change of Ownership form. This form is required for any building containing four (4) or more family units or ten (10) or more sleeping accommodations. The form along with further information can be found on the City of Chicago website.
Bradford Miller Law, P.C. focuses on real estate law, landlord tenant law, building code violations and estate planning. We are committed to providing you with expert legal support and approach every client with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding. At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you will find information about our firm. To discuss your pending or potential real estate transaction, your ongoing legal needs as a property owner or landlord, or your estate planning concerns, call us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago real estate closings, Chicago building code violations, short sale attorney Chicago. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
Bradford Miller Law, P.C. focuses on real estate law, landlord tenant law, building code violations and estate planning. We are committed to providing you with expert legal support and approach every client with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding. At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you will find information about our firm. To discuss your pending or potential real estate transaction, your ongoing legal needs as a property owner or landlord, or your estate planning concerns, call us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago real estate closings, Chicago building code violations, short sale attorney Chicago. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
City of Chicago Announces Enforcement Efforts Under the Keep Chicago Renting Ordinance
Mayor Emanuel and the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) announced on August 15, 2014, that the City, in partnership with other community advocate groups, is investigating multiple complaints by residents whose tenant rights may have been violated under the Protecting Tenants in Foreclosed Rental Property Ordinance (Keep Chicago Renting Ordinance), and is calling upon banks and property managers to comply with the law.
The Keep Chicago Renting Ordinance requires the new owners of foreclosed properties to provide written notice of the change in ownership to all tenants within 21 days after becoming the new owner or within 7 days of determining the tenant’s identity. Notice must be delivered to known tenants or household members 13 years or older, or mailed. In addition, notice must be posted on the primary entrance of each foreclosed property. The new owner is also required to notify tenants of their options under the Ordinance, which include the new owner offering to renew or extend the tenant’s rental agreement for the rental amount not greater than 102% of the tenant’s current annual rent, or providing qualified tenants with $10,600 for relocation assistance. Visit the City of Chicago website to view this notice in it's entirety.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you can review the City of Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance Summary along with other helpful landlord information. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. has been representing Landlords for several years and, we can assist you in resolving any tenant issues that you may encounter. If you are having a problem and need legal representation contact us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago residential real estate attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago eviction attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago building code violations, Chicago real estate attorney fees. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
The Keep Chicago Renting Ordinance requires the new owners of foreclosed properties to provide written notice of the change in ownership to all tenants within 21 days after becoming the new owner or within 7 days of determining the tenant’s identity. Notice must be delivered to known tenants or household members 13 years or older, or mailed. In addition, notice must be posted on the primary entrance of each foreclosed property. The new owner is also required to notify tenants of their options under the Ordinance, which include the new owner offering to renew or extend the tenant’s rental agreement for the rental amount not greater than 102% of the tenant’s current annual rent, or providing qualified tenants with $10,600 for relocation assistance. Visit the City of Chicago website to view this notice in it's entirety.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you can review the City of Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance Summary along with other helpful landlord information. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. has been representing Landlords for several years and, we can assist you in resolving any tenant issues that you may encounter. If you are having a problem and need legal representation contact us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale
Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago residential real estate attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago eviction attorney, Chicago estate planning attorney, Estate Planning Lawyer, Chicago leases, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago building code violations, Chicago real estate attorney fees. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.
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