In 2013, the City of Chicago Council passed an ordinance to help address the problem of bed bugs. The requirements established by this ordinance follow:
Rental Housing: The ordinance established several requirements for both landlords and tenants. Among these is a requirement that landlords must provide a brochure on bed bugs to tenants when signing a new or renewing an existing lease or other rental agreement (note this does not apply to owner-occupied buildings containing six units or less). This brochure lists all of the requirements of the ordinance for both the landlords and tenants.
Condominium and Cooperative Buildings: All governing associations need to have a written plan to address bed bugs. A sample plan was created to assist associations in developing their plans. That sample plan is available on the city of Chicago website and lists all of the requirements of the ordinance for those who own units within condominium or cooperative buildings. The sample plan also refers to a fact sheet that can be provided to unit owners.
For more information about Bed Bugs and to obtain a brochure visit the City of Chicago website. Here you will also find a Bed Bug Checklist for Apartment Building Managers & Landlords.
Owners are required by law to make necessary repairs and maintain their property in a safe condition. Landlords, however well you maintain your rental properties, problems can arise. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. focuses on real estate law, landlord tenant law, building code violations and estate planning. We are committed to providing you with expert legal support and approach every client with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding.
At www.bradfordmillerlaw.com you will find helpful landlord information along with information about our firm. To discuss your pending or potential real estate transaction, your ongoing legal needs as a property owner or landlord, or your estate planning concerns, call us at 312-238-9298 for a free 15-minute consultation.
Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
Practicing in Real Estate Law, Landlord Tenant Law, and Estate Planning
134 N. LaSalle, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602
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Key words: Chicago Building Code violations, Chicago Building Code Violation lawyer, Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago landlord tenant attorney, Chicago Real Estate attorney, Chicago Eviction attorney, Chicago Leases, Chicago real estate attorney fees, Estate Planning Lawyer. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.