Saturday, September 19, 2015

Why is very important to have a lease?

It is a good idea to have a written lease in place for several reasons.  The first one is stability.  With a written lease, you can expect a monthly payment for the lease term.  This will allow you to budget for expenses, capital improvements, and other things.  The second reason is to protect your property.  In the lease, you can have rules, agreements, etc so that the Tenant knows what they can and cannot do with the property.  The third is for legal reasons.  If you have a written lease in place and there ends up being a problem with the Tenant, you will likely have legal recourse against the Tenant.  Having a valid written lease will likely help you in court.

The attorneys at Bradford Miller Law, P.C. only represent landlords.  We are a landlord firm and can help you with the eviction process, as well as identifying alternative solutions that are sometimes more cost-effective. Our knowledgeable Chicago real estate attorneys focus on re-establishing your rights to your own property and saving you money. For dependable counsel and efficient services in this complex area of law, please call us at 312-238-9298 for a FREE 15-minute consultation.

At you will find helpful landlord information along with information about our firm. Our experienced attorneys have earned membership in the Better Business Bureau and we have great reviews on Yelp. Bradford Miller Law, P.C. can assist you with all your real estate needs at a very reasonable rate. Whether you are buying, selling, renting a property or need assistance with a building code violation we can help.

Posted by Bradford Miller Law, P.C.
134 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1040
Chicago, IL 60602

Offering free legal representation to homeowners seeking a short sale

Key words: Chicago short sale attorney, Chicago residential real estate attorney, Chicago landlord tenant law attorney, Chicago Landlord Attorney, Chicago eviction attorney, Estate planning attorney, Chicago real estate attorney, Chicago real estate lawyer, Chicago real estate attorney fees, Chicago estate planning attorney. This is intended to be advertising. Please consult with an attorney before acting on any information given here.